Co-living in the FitCamp Community
Co-living at FitCamp Montenegro is not just a regular stay where you rent an apartment and live on your own. It is, actually, much more fun as we take the word ‘coliving’ for granted. We can only be happy with our experiences so far, so we decided to share more with all of you out there seeking your new home abroad.

Common Sense
Sharing is caring, in the full meaning of that phrase! Not that we only share our house with you; the sharing is the least material here. It starts when you step your foot on our estate and never ends. The common sense that we are sharing is just one of the characteristics that make us, hosts, and you, guests, close to each other. And when the brainstorming on this topic starts, the ideas are inexhaustible. Nobody can stop us!
The most emotional part is seeing how you care about our progress, compassionately offering all your help and knowledge. This brings us to your…
Home Abroad
…and FitCamp it really is. That is how we feel with all of you who stayed with us so far – our house is your house! We take care of it together, we share ideas for improvements, we support each other in hard and beautiful moments, we explore, we create, and we produce… All is possible when the right people choose you! And there isn’t anybody more grateful than us for this fact. You attract what you radiate – we guess.

Thinking of all the requests we received so far, and only a number of these turned out to be reservations… But, all that turned into stays were indeed special experiences. For these people, FitCamp Montenegro will always have its door open, and we hope to rank high among your favourite homes abroad.

Not only our guests, but also our volunteers are out-of-this-world people, and we are so happy that they choose us. Somehow, we ended up being friends with most of them, and we keep in touch, share important moments of life, and check upon each other. We can’t be grateful enough for all the great things they did for us during their stay. Even our dogs had their furry companions joining us and it was immense happiness.

What comes very true in our adult years is that friends simply recognise each other. Even when you lose some of your childhood friendships, these compensate quite a lot and, in reality, show you what conscious friendship means. Additionally, it is so beautiful to share our lifestyle with all-around the world visitors and see our similarities.
Helping Hands
Our co-living guests and volunteers weren’t just friends who supported us verbally. They were our helping hands on the spot, for anything we needed in that moment.
From nursing our Sivi, a crazy little dog who got hit by a car, through grape juice making, wood collecting & cutting for our winter stove heater, marking a hiking trail, fruit picking, jam making, housesitting, to snowstorm survival and constant snow cleaning, these people showed their big hearts and their consciousness of the local community they belonged to for a while.

We will never be able to forget our exciting game nights, wine tasting, movies, dinners together, and many things we shared with all of you. So, this is an ode to you all, expressing our enormous gratitude.
At the same time, it is a call for all of you out there who have these above-mentioned goals when finding a remote home for a short or long time.
Our co-living season has just started, and we can’t be more ready and happy to welcome you! Get your quote at this link. Welcome!