Let us introduce you to an incredible women’s retreat coming to you from the Women Who Play authors!

Being mindful is a true luxury in today’s overwhelming consumeristic society and we tend to forget of ourselves and our needs. Somehow, we come at the bottom of our list.

That shouldn’t be the case.

Thus, this retreat is here to change that perspective for good! We are here to guide you through the mindful care of yourself or MINDFULSELFNESS – our invention for this divine retreat of self-love, presence and time-wisdom.

This unique experience will be available to all interested women during 3 fixed times in 2024. The maximum number of participants per retreat is 6.

This is your unique chance to embrace love, presence & true self.

Dates for 2024

May 1 – 6 | July 18 – 23 | Sept 26 – Oct 1

women retreat montenegro


  • deeper & truer self-love

  • small details appreciation

  • mindfulness map

  • wiser time management

  • nutrition advice & meals ideas

  • respecting family or work balance more

  • living in the present moment

  • follow-up with mentors

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